LAVA Informational Posting: What is LAVA’s Nouveau Tasting Meeting (November of every year)?

In simple terms, a Nouveau is the first wine of the new vintage. It is released within weeks of harvest. We are following in the footsteps of Frances’ Beaujolais Region. The concept got its commercial roots in France, specifically the Beaujolais region when back in the 1950′s French alcohol rules were relaxed to allow wine from the current vintage to be sold on or after November 15th. This was known as “Beaujolais Nouveau Day” and was a worldwide celebration. Today Beaujolais Nouveau Day is the third Thursday in November, making it a handy way to kick off the holiday season.

For LAVA’s November meeting we ask that winemakers bring their new vintage wines (2014) for tasting by the members. Generally, wines low in tannins and light body are brought out for tasting. All whites and rose wines are appropriate in this category as are light body reds. One year old bold reds are also appropriate.

IMG_5694Also, as a way to start the holiday seasons, we are asking members to bring an appetizer to share with the wine. More information will be forthcoming. Just wanted you to start thinking about it. Thanks.